Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Patty Licata's own words certainly are not my opinion.

"We also saved money by eliminating the deputy chief of police and the director of public works.”

-Councilwoman Pat Licata, May 7, 2015

Link to article below:

The truth always comes out in the end.  

Talk about hypocrisy? 

Shortly after those comments, Patty Licata made the overly political Donald Scorzetti Deputy Chief. 

And she created a new title for her son- Supervisor of Building & Grounds at $75,000. She took a position in “public works” and renamed it “building & grounds".  No savings there.  More like: make the people of Lodi pay for a March wedding.

Emil Carafa and Patty Licata can debate amongst themselves whether or not the Deputy Chief position was eliminated.

Some people have a real problem with the truth.