Monday, May 18, 2015

It’s time for the Lodi Boys and Girls club to open its books to the public.

The Lodi Boys and Girls Club would be best served by professionals and not shady politicians.

We have seen what Nardino and Licata have done to our schools.

We have seen what Nardino and Licata have done with Lodi Drug Alliance funding.

Joe Licata will be handed Mike Nardino’s job at the Lodi Boys and Girls Club very soon.

The club receives a large amount of Lodi tax dollars and County grant money.

When you receive so much in tax dollars, you better open your books to the public.

But Mike Nardino and Joe Licata refuse to. 

The least transparent Board of Education.  The least transparent Drug Alliance.  The least transparent Boys and Girls Club.

Same people.  Same pattern.  Same problems.