Friday, January 30, 2015

Will the “Record” do a follow up to: “mayor points to need for reforms”?

This past summer, the Record newspaper gave Marc Schrieks many favorable headlines while discussing Chief Caruso’s $342,000 payout.  Among them were: “mayor points to need for reforms” and “nothing is off the table, the mayor said.”

During Marc’s last month in office, he signed off on many employee contracts.  One was the new PBA contract.  It looks just like the last one.

It still includes the “Past Practice” clause (Luna and Caruso used this to pay out “terminal leave/severance pay” even though it was not spelled out anywhere in any contract).  It still includes “longevity pay” even though this Administration told the State three years ago that they eliminated it.

There are 70 towns in Bergen County.  In 2014, Lodi had the 3rd highest effective tax rate only behind Bergenfield and Bogota. 

Maybe the Record should do a follow up to their articles from last summer.  Let’s hear about all those reforms that Schrieks called for at the time and what he delivered as he left office.

2015 contract:

2013 contract: