Sunday, January 25, 2015

2011 Report on Edgewater’s Tax Assessor Hits Home for Lodi Today.

The above was taken from the following report issued in 2011:

After the above report was issued in 2011 and there were calls for reform throughout the State, Lodi’s Tax Assessor continued lowering the taxes for “family and friends” of Lodi politicians.  The reductions were done “in house” without tax appeals ever being filed.  They were significant and inequitable.  They were done at the same time that Reggo was arguing that Lodi should be the only town in Bergen County not in need of a town wide reassessment.

This scandal is indisputable and backed up with tax records.

This is government corruption at its worst. 

Once again, the rest of Lodi paid for the special “in house reductions”.  Their taxes went up as the politicos’ went down.

Reggo has never answered for anything because he acted on the orders from others within this administration. 

Where is the justice?

The report against Carlson is scathing, yet he is still employed by Saddle Brook and Ridgefield Park.

Reggo’s actions were even worse, yet he is collecting over $200,000 and laughing all the way to the bank.

I have discovered many abuses by our Mayor and Council within the last three years.  But their “tax fixing scandal” is the worst.  It was the reason why I first began attending council meetings.