Donald Scorzetti wants to be promoted to Police Chief.
Dominic Miller wants to be promoted to Police Lieutenant.
are using school elections to secure their promotions.
Members of the mayor and council are employed in our
schools. Lots of their family members
are employed in our schools.
The current police chief’s brother is the
superintendent of the Lodi schools.
The conflicts are clear. The motives are clear.
The conflicts are clear. The motives are clear.
Scorzetti and Miller used politics in the past to get
where they are today.
Miller was promoted to Sergeant just months after joining
the BOE.
Scorzetti was promoted to Deputy Chief because he was
the biggest brown-nose to Tony Luna and members of the mayor and
council. He played his politics well.
Miller and Scorzetti want history to repeat itself.
This is unfair to other police officers.
This is bad for our schools.
Neither ever demonstrated that they have any knowledge of public education.
Neither ever demonstrated that they have any knowledge of public education.
Donald Scorzetti on November 7th!