Three years ago, Chelsea was pushing very hard for Jonathan
Carafa. Many of my young customers at
the time were telling me that she was
filling out absentee ballots for them.
When I asked them who they voted for, they all replied: “We don’t know. We just gave them to her.”
I don’t know if they all could have been lying. The
absentee figures that year do confirm something was going on (especially with Carafa’s
At the time, I wrote down what I was being told.
The only candidate running against the "machine" that year was Harlem Balboa (whom I voted for). I couldn't believe the measures they were taking when only one independent candidate was running against them.
At the time, I wrote down what I was being told.
The only candidate running against the "machine" that year was Harlem Balboa (whom I voted for). I couldn't believe the measures they were taking when only one independent candidate was running against them.
After a short time in the classroom, Chelsea was made a “Media Specialist”.
Elections should be about more than personal
Elections should about the students and their families. Elections should be about big ideas.
Stealing elections is wrong. A ballot belongs to the person voting. When someone fills out a ballot for someone
else, there are requirements. Otherwise,
laws are broken.