Thursday, September 28, 2017

Email sent to Norah Peck regarding Mr. Quatrone's merit bonus goals...

Dear Ms. Peck,

At last night’s Lodi Board of Education meeting, the Board approved Frank Quatrone’ s merit bonus goals by a 5-3 vote and will be submitting them to your office.

Here are some of the objections raised by board members and ignored:

·       At one point, your office sent me guidelines for merit bonuses.  Guidelines stated that the Board of Education creates the goals with consultation from the employee.  The board members did not create the goals or even discuss the goals.  The goals were handed to us by Mr. Quatrone and rubber-stamped by five Board members with conflicts of interest (four trustees have family members working under Quatrone in our schools and one is police officer working under Quatrone’s brother who is the Lodi Police Chief).  One member, Mr. Carbonetti, wasn’t present for the meeting and has not attended a meeting since May due to health problems.  A telephone was brought into our meeting to allow him to vote.  Our by-laws don’t allow that.  This was never done before:

·       None of the goals are tied to student achievement.

·       Last night the Board voted to create a new $70,000 full time “Technology Support Specialist” position to fulfill responsibilities attributed to Mr. Quatrone for the goals.

·       Last week, there was a public notice seeking proposals for a “Literacy Coach/Consultant” to fulfill responsibilities attributed to Mr. Quatrone for the goals (Reading workshops).

·       Mr. Quatrone has other employees and consultants doing the work supposed to be done by him to achieve the goals.

·       All of your office’s guidelines over the years state that the goals are time sensitive.  Portions of many of the goals were supposed to be completed in July and August.  Yet, the goals were approved at the end of September.  They were never discussed until last week.

·       Mr. Quatrone’s contract expired in June 2016.  At no time was the Board ever informed that it would automatically renew in January.  It was never discussed.  New Board members were never informed of the clause.

·       Mr. Quatrone wants to re-negotiate the terms of his new contract.  He wants his compensation to increase from $192,000 to $226,000.  In June, he wouldn’t allow the two board members without conflicts to negotiate his contact (as has been past practice for administrators).  Instead, he wanted to use “Doctrine of Necessity” to allow the whole board (full of conflicts) to negotiate the new terms (guaranteeing his salary increase).

·       The Board never approved a new contract for Mr. Quatrone.  We don’t know his new salary.  Yet, he had the Board approve his merit goals anyway.

·       The goals were not submitted prior to the start of the school year.  They weren’t submitted within 30 days of the contract’s approval: 

The people of Lodi ask me daily: where is the State?  How is Lodi getting away with this?  Five Board members with conflicts of interest should not be able to yield this power and behave in such a lawless manner without any real oversight from the Department of Education.

Please consider the objections stated when you review Mr. Quatrone’s merit goals.

Ryan Curioni