Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Licata voted YES on his own attorney’s bills…another clear ethics violation.

At the July 21st meeting, Joe Licata voted YES for Lodi to pay his attorney’s bills.  At the start of tonight’s meeting, he tried to change his vote to an abstention as the minutes from last month were being approved.  The minutes should reflect that he voted YES, period.  That is what happened.  Lodi should be tired of Licata’s “do overs” and his blatant ethics violations.

I asked Joe Licata the following question tonight:

“You spent $5,000 of Lodi tax dollars on an attorney to try to get your ethics complaint dismissed.  Why couldn’t you answer that ethics complaint on your own?”

Joe Licata smirked and said he had a “statutory right” to an attorney.

I told him that Board members throughout the State answer ethics complaints without using attorneys and without wasting tax dollars.  I stated that it was optional and why did he choose to waste tax dollars?

Licata smirked and said he chose to.