Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Capizzi's decades old generic template is a violation of the law....It's definitely not a real agenda.

By now, Marc Capizzi and the BOE members are well aware that they are in violation of State law every time they conduct a public meeting without providing the public with a real agenda before or during their meetings.  In fact, the Board is required to post an agenda to the "extent known" 48 hours in advance.  They are prohibited from misleading the public.  So when they know they are hiring someone at a meeting, and they don't list that on the agenda, they are purposely misleading the public. That can be said about everything that they know they are voting on and the public does not.  

They don’t live in bubbles.  Marc Capizzi sees what his town (Rivervale) provides.  Frank Quatrone sees what his town (Hasbrouck Heights) provides.  The BOE members see that their relatives and friends on the Lodi Housing Authority now provide an agenda.  They see that their relatives on the Lodi council provide an agenda.  Even though the Borough agenda is nowhere near as descriptive as other towns, it can’t be compared to the decades old generic template shown at the top of this page.

There is a scheduled BOE meeting this Tuesday.  Capizzi and his Board will be required to supply the public with a real agenda.  And they will be required to report what is discussed on their meeting minutes.  

There is nothing public and nothing open about a meeting where those present have no idea what is being voting on right in front of their faces.  This behavior will no longer be tolerated.

Link to Hasbrouck Heights agenda:

Link to Rivervale agenda:

Link to Lodi BOE agenda: