Thursday, December 29, 2016

Norah Peck is not properly serving Lodi. Another email just submitted.

Subject: Urgent matter concerning Lodi BOE special meeting this week.
Date: 12/29/16 09:52:24 PM
From: "ryan curioni" <>

On December 21st, the Lodi BOE voted to table a resolution to award a six million dollar contract until February.  Then they called a special meeting for December 27th and awarded the contract.  Their Board attorney would not answer any questions regarding the legality of their actions.

As a Board Trustee Elect, I have been inundated with phone calls all week asking how this could have been taken place.  This is an urgent matter as the overly political Business Administrator Marc Capizzi is rushing the contract through.

Interim Superintendent Nora Peck does not respond to any of my inquiries in a timely matter.  Can you please have someone from the Department of Education address this matter?  There is urgency to address it now and not later.

Thank you.

Ryan Curioni