Friday, December 23, 2016

Email just submitted to interim Bergen County Superintendent Norah Peck...

Dear Ms. Peck,

Can you please intervene on a matter that has gotten completely out of control? Five Trustees on the Lodi Board of Education are attempting to rush through a $6,053,500 contract at a special meeting on December 27th.

Lodi schools are closed next week.  People are on vacation.  This was a deliberate act to catch people off guard and sneak something though before the January 4th reorganization meeting.  The project is being rushed through because there is no public support for it. 

This past Wednesday, the BOE held a meeting that resulted in complete chaos.  Please listen to a tape of that meeting.  The end result was: the Board was “unsure of the legality of their actions”.  Therefore, they would call for a special meeting to vote on the Resolutions again.

Below, you can find more information on this very serious matter:

Please have someone from State intervene before the December 27th Special Meeting.

Thank you.


Ryan Curioni

Lodi Board of Education Trustee Elect