Thursday, December 15, 2016

Another quid pro quo for the unethical Licata family…and Bruce Masopust.

Bruce Masopust should be ashamed of himself!  His letter promoting Patrick Licata is completely unprofessional.

For the past year, Bruce told everyone that he was still cleaning up Tony Luna’s mess.  Bruce’s actions are worse.  Lodi needs to clean up his mess.

Patty Licata made Bruce Masopust the Borough Manager.  Within months, Bruce Masopust promoted Patty’s son.  Another quid pro quo for the greedy and unethical Licata family.

Where is the Civil Service Commission?  Where is the union?

Patrick Licata already makes the same of Thomas Raia.  Thomas Raia was hired in 1996.  Patrick Licata was hired in 2012.  Mr. Raia is a supervisor.  Licata just became a provisional one.  Bruce circumvented civil service.

The Lodi political machine wanted Joe Licata off the Board because he was embarrassing them.  On October 25th, Joe said he wouldn’t resign.  On October 29th, he submitted his resignation.  Within a month, Patrick Licata was secretly promoted (according to one letter dated November 28th).  Was that part of the deal to get rid of Joe?

But then again, who really knows when Bruce Masopust casually promoted the councilwoman’s son.  A second letter produced today from Bruce Masopust showed that he promoted Licata on July 1st.  There are no resolutions for the promotion.  The promotion doesn’t appear on any meeting minutes.  None of Bruce’s letters are time stamped. 

Whether it was November 28th or July 1st, Bruce Masopust insulted the good employees of the DPW on his way out the door.  He completely disrespected the taxpayers of Lodi that have been too generous to him for decades.