Sunday, December 14, 2014

Florio Firm Thriving off of Luna’s Lawlessness.

A few emails here, a few phone calls there, and the Lodi taxpayers were out $ 19,473.77 in the month of October alone.

The political Florio firm is thriving off of Luna’s lawlessness.

Mr. Luna was not forthcoming at the last council meeting with regard to the Florio firm’s invoices.  Many of the bills dealt with something going on with the police department.  And it clearly wasn't all about a new contract.  Other bills dealt with the unjust layoffs in the DPW.

Every payout to the Florio firm should be taken directly from Alan Spiniello’s $ 150,000 retainer.  If he can’t take a few phone calls and send out a few emails, then Lodi is just throwing its money away on him and the Florio firm.

Below are the invoices from the October bill.  

Link to invoices:

Things were redacted from the Florio invoices that Luna had no right to redact.  Other governing bodies list the names of the cases when approving attorney invoices.