Wednesday, December 10, 2014

BOE Pres’ “Invoice” Might Be Too Difficult For the Deputy Mayor to Explain.

Just a few points about the above “invoice”:

“Facilitated Drug Alliance Meetings”

Despite being governed by the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, Mike Nardino stated at the October 21, 2014 council meeting that they don’t keep minutes for their “Municipal Alliance Meetings”.

Nobody at the meeting was able to name the people currently on the committee or state when the meetings take place.

Please read page 3 below about meeting requirements:

“Lodi Drug Alliance 2014 Grant Coordination 6th Quarter” and “Completion of 6th Quarter Financial Reports”

a)   “6th Quarter” is an oxymoron.  When you go beyond 4 quarters, you are not talking quarters anymore.  What time period is Joe Licata trying to describe in this invoice?

b)  This financial report will have to be made public.

c)  What actually is grant coordination?  He wasn’t securing grants. Is spending State money “grant coordination”?

“Attend “TIPS” Responsible Beverage Trainer Certification Program at Bergen County June 25th and 26th

a)  So Joe Licata submitted an invoice on June 10, 2014 for attending a program that was supposedly held more than two weeks later?  When did he actually draw up this invoice?

b)  When and where did this program supposedly take place on June 25th and June 26th?

c)  And isn’t “TIPS” intended for those serving alcohol?

From the above link:

CARDD is providing training for over 600 hospitality industry staff on how to serve alcohol responsibly using a program called TIPS - Training for Intervention Procedures.
TIPS is regarded as a global leader in education and training for the responsible service, sale, and consumption of alcohol. It is a skills-based training course designed to prevent intoxication, underage drinking, and drunk driving. Moreover, TIPS is supported by a host of evidence.

• TIPS teaches 1.) NJ State legal forms of identification for proof of age; 2.) Types of fake Id’s and tips to check for them; 3.) Establishment and server liability when serving alcohol; 4.) Behavioral cues of intoxication; and 5.) How to legally and safely handle situations with intoxicated customers.

Joe Licata should attend this Tuesday’s meeting to answer for his ridiculous invoice.  I could only imagine what the other invoices show, if they exist at all.

Some past posts on Licata's consulting fees: