Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Luna Administration has Failed to Produce any Labor Agreement or Salary Guide Specific to Garrett Luna’s Title, “Recreation Program Coordinator”…

Scott Luna is the new Patty Licata

Last year, Boro Hall provided in an OPRA response that Garrett Luna was covered by this “Department Heads and Supervisors" labor agreement:

This month, Boro Hall provided in an OPRA response that Garrett Luna is covered by this “White Collar Employee” labor agreement:

The Boro Hall responded to two different OPRA requests with two different labor agreements for Garrett Luna within one year’s time. 

Neither contract lists either of Garrett Luna’s titles. 

Neither contract lists a salary guide for Garrett Luna.

Neither contract explains how the mayor’s son received a $15,000 raise after one year as a recreation employee.

Neither contract explains why the mayor’s son is taking a borough vehicle home.

This is an item that was listed in Lodi’s audits in recent years: