Saturday, April 25, 2020

Luna Administration during its plot to move BOE Elections: Action by the Council WITHOUT VOTER APPROVAL...

During its backroom discussion, the Luna administration did NOT want voter approval to move the BOE Elections from November to April.  Time and time again, they have fought to take opportunities away from Lodi voters. These are the same players that prevented the Lodi voters from voting on a referendum for the $7.5M administration building a few years back.  In case you forgot:

The Luna council, Vincent Caruso, and Alan Spiniello are totally disingenuous with their BOE election change effort.

In case they forgot:

When Elections were in April, the turnouts couldn’t be lower and tax increases were insane. Lodi school taxes increased 8% in 2010 and 6% in 2011.  Budgets were being decided by a handful of people.  It was pathetic to watch.

Lodi taxpayers were paying a really high price to hold elections in April.  There are serious costs for poll workers, stipends for borough employees, etc.

Schools were inconvenienced as they did not operate on a full day schedule with elections taking place.

There were serious security risks by having people voting in schools while school was in session.

The public gets to vote on budgets during November elections if increases exceed limits.

Those are the reasons why the overwhelming majority of New Jersey school districts moved BOE elections from April to November.  And those are the reasons why the Luna administration would rather plot in a backroom instead of having a conversation in public.