Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Donald Scorzetti and the Lodi Mayor & Council are using Lodi tax dollars to pay retired police officers to sit in empty schools...

Years ago, Vincent Caruso said Lodi was hiring retired police officers to protect children in the Lodi Schools. Students have not physically been in the schools for quite a while. Teachers and administrators are not physically in the schools. Parking lots are empty. Yet, the Lodi Mayor and Council and BOE Member/Police Chief Donald Scorzetti made the decision to pay the full salaries of these retired officers for them to sit in empty schools. They even had the officers sit in the empty buildings on Good Friday when the officers would normally be off during a regular school calendar.

The public sees the absurdity in this and has been commenting for weeks.

During its last ranking, nj.com placed Lodi #7 in all of New Jersey for "Towns Where Property Taxes Hurt the Most ". Lodi was placed there for reason.