Saturday, April 25, 2020

Forty Something Thousand Lodi Tax Dollars Were Spent to Video Tape Meetings of the Mayor & Council. Why aren’t the PUBLIC MEETINGS at Caruso’s conference table being videotaped?

Scott Luna sounds a lot like Alan Spiniello.  Albert DiChiara often sounds Vincent Caruso.  Lodi politicians often speak and act like one another.  Video tapes can show you who is saying what.  

The Luna administration is doing a lot of controversial things at its work sessions (an upstairs room/conference table with no seating  for the public) when it should be doing them out in the open at videotaped meetings in the council chambers.

The Luna administration has its $221,000 part-time boro attorney Alan Spiniello on audio tape advising the coincil to take controversial actions in Caruso’s office and not in the open.  They are taking official action at Caruso’s conference table and the public has no way of knowing.  They have no respect for the public or the statutes governing public meetings.

The Lodi taxpayers paid for public meetings to be videotaped.  It’s time to videotape Caruso’s conference table.