Thursday, February 14, 2019

Mayor Carafa and his council used Lodi tax dollars to self-promote within 90 days of a Municipal Election…

This morning, I submitted the following email:

From: rcurioni
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 10:49 AM
To: Emil Carafa <>; Vincent Caruso <>
Subject: 90 day rule, Election Law

Your "Lodi Update" in the mail today came less than 90 days from a municipal election. Your letter from the mayor and council is full of self-promotion. Does your political committee intend on reimbursing the Lodi taxpayers for this expense as it did 4 years ago? If not, can you please forward me the total costs for this mailer.


Ryan Curioni

The Borough responded that the mailing was postmarked February 13th but due to the snow, it was delayed a day.  They timed it exactly 90 days before the Election.  The timing says a lot about the character of those involved.  They spend all their waking hours scheming how to misuse public funds to benefit themselves.

Some posts on the subject from 4 years ago: