Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Frank Quatrone made the call for the contract dump the night before our meeting…

Completely inappropriate.  Serious conflict of interest.

Quatrone’s contract was included.  Capizzi’s contract was included.

Quatrone took official action to benefit himself and Capizzi.  Both wanted their contracts approved before I can review them or question them.

Quatrone tried to answer for and speak on behalf of his hand-picked, “fake” negotiation team at tonight’s meeting (even though he is the employee and it's his contract).  Leto didn’t know what pre-negotiation parameters are.  He is the one that selected the committees and violated everything along the way.

Capizzi and Quatrone need to stop scheming.  The love of money and thirst for power drives people to make bad decisions.

The contracts for Capizzi and Quatrone were tabled tonight.  They realized they couldn't get away with it.