Sunday, September 7, 2014

Licata, Licata’s Associates, and School Ethics

Link to School Ethics Act:

Joe Licata is the President of the Lodi Board of Education.

Jaime Ciofalo is the Supervisor of Guidance at Lodi High School (falls within the definition of “Administrator” by the School Ethics Commission).

Licata is employed by the Lodi Boys & Girls Club.

Ciofalo is on the Board of Directors for the Lodi Boys & Girls Club.

Licata and Ciofalo recently founded a new “not for profit” together.

Licata receives thousands of dollars in “consulting fees” from the Lodi Drug Alliance.

Ciofalo is on the Lodi Drug Alliance.

Licata approves bills as a Board member with those doing business with the district.

Ciofalo would be securing financial gain for himself if he were doing business in the same district where he is employed as a “Supervisor”.

A recent business venture of Ciofalo’s is

The Lodi Board of Education is using on their district website (They are the only district I found using it on their website. Fort Lee uses applitrack.):

On September 5, 2014, Lodi was the featured district on the site's homepage.  The pricing page states that this feature requires an annual $399.00 subscription. 

Ciofalo did not list on his financial disclosure statement.;d=2740;s=83295;dl=20140201

Mr. Ciofalo has many “education” business ventures that sprouted up lately.  

How much business is Mr. Ciofalo doing with the Lodi Board of Education? 

It has been shown how both Licatas (mother and son) have cast unethical votes in their respective public offices.

If administrators employed by the BOE are doing business with the district, that certainly gives the appearance of a school ethics violation.

Many administrators start consulting businesses after they retire to avoid conflicts.

You have to ask the question: when someone pays a current school administrator consulting fees, are they doing it for a private service or are they doing it to buy influence in a district (job, contract, etc.)?

Anyone mentioned on this site has every right to respond.  My email is on file with the Lodi politicians.  I would gladly post their responses on this site.  It’s always best to have both sides represented.