Sunday, March 9, 2014

Zoning Board Minutes Go Up, Harrision Ave Project Should Go Down...

This week, Lodi Zoning Board minutes went up for the first time in FOUR years.  Now you know why this administration fought every effort to get them up sooner.  Just look at the minutes from December and January dealing with the 400 Harrison Ave Project.  

-Miss Katherine Gregory’s statements are completely laughable. 

She said “most of the project fell within the requirements of the zoned area.” That's like saying an apple is mostly like an orange.

FOUR variances are required.  The project clearly does not fall within the requirements of the zoned area. Or to use her language, most of the project does not fall within the requirements of the zoned area.

She used Paparozzi’s claim that children wouldn’t be coming out of units like these. 

The Lodi schools are packed with children coming out of units like these. 

The 3.233 number she used from the Rutger’s study dates all the way back to 1990.  The number was used compelety out of context.

The minutes tell us what she “felt”.  Frankly, nobody should care.  She is a saleswoman selling a bad product.

-The board members were not given adequate time to review plans.  

-Fire Marshall Paul Wanco did not attend either meeting to address the very serious fire concerns.  Mr. Avola should be commended for objecting to the letter being submitted as evidence.  

January Minutes:

December Minutes: