Friday, November 30, 2018

Very Sad that Vinny Martin is defending this mess (dangerous entrance to Lodi Rec Wrestling)…

Vinny Martin’s ridiculous video in the comments section (not the "Lodi Live" video) should concern all Lodi residents.  One, because he is defending a safety hazard and an eyesore.  Two, because he is a Lodi councilman. Click on the link below to view the videos:

Wrestling parents have been telling me about this situation for a while now. “Lodi Live” is expressing the same concern and looking out for the safety of children.

Shame on Vinny Martin and anyone else pretending this doesn’t pose a danger.

Passaic Valley has ripped off Lodi rate payers for years.  Yet a lot of Lodi politicians have made a lot of money from Passaic Valley.  I question the motives of the Lodi political class as they praise Passaic Valley.  All costs for Passaic Valley projects are passed down to ratepayers.  Those costs are inflated to pay for all the patronage and abuse.  Who are they kidding when the politicians say "no cost to Lodi"?

Lodi politicians are spreading misinformation instead of addressing a serious concern.