Wednesday, November 28, 2018

MA Teacher Union supports anti-Semitism, anti-Christian bias in their History curriculum...

Link to article from the Boston Globe:

From the article:

“Teachers and their supporters wore red stickers that read “Support Newton Values.” On the other side of the debate, demonstrators displayed signs that read “Educate Yes. Indoctrinate No.””


“Margot Einstein, a Newton resident who signed the petition, said she became concerned seven years ago when she learned a student received a pamphlet that claimed Israelis were jailing and killing Palestinian women.

The student’s father brought his concerns to school officials, she said, but he was rebuffed.

“There’s propaganda and bias in the schools. It’s anti-Christian, anti-American. It whitewashes Islam. It’s anti-Semitic material,” she said.”

In typical teacher union fashion, the walkout:

“At the conclusion of his remarks, Bedar asked people who supported the teachers to rise. A majority of the crowd rose and then left the auditorium, drawing jeers from people on the other side of the dispute.”