Monday, October 3, 2016

September bills (Board of Ed) are available. Lodi has been lied to.

Link to September bills:

Page 6:  Another $1,000,0000 was transferred to the Capital Reserve Account.  That is where the $7.5 million for the administration building comes out of.

Page 19:  $47,221.46 more was paid to SSP Architectural Group  for Lincoln School.  Their professional services contract was NO BID (approximately $400,000 in Architectural fees). 

Lodi has been lied to.

The teachers without a contract were told that the $7.5 million was already in the Capital Reserve Account before the Board moved forward with the project and that money could only be used on the project.

Truth: millions were transferred into capital reserves after the fact.  That money was taken from our schools and transferred over for the project.

The taxpayers were told that the money was already collected and no more tax dollars were required for the project.

Truth:  Tax dollars collected after the Board already moved forward with the project have been transferred to capital reserves.  There was never enough money in capital reserves at the time the Board said there was.

Once againall $7,5000,000 is Lodi tax dollars.  Lodi received ZERO grant money.