Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Lodi Mayor & Council are Manipulating Your BOE Taxes.

One year ago, this article appeared in the Record newspaper:

A public notice that appeared in Friday’s newspaper showed that the Lodi BOE had revised its budget for this current school year (2013-14), increasing it even more.

The proposed budget for the upcoming year “anticipates” a tax decrease.  If “anticipated” costs will be substantially lower for the next school year, how come they were so extraordinarily higher for the last? With no increase in enrolment last year, the BOE increased its operating budget a whopping $8,645,540.  That number is astounding.

There is no reason or justification for this erratic and irresponsible spending pattern.  The Lodi council and the Capizzis are manipulating your school taxes based on an election year.  Joe Capizzi has a history of delivering the most devastating tax increases in off years when he feels a need to help his team get elected to council.