Saturday, April 19, 2014

Campaign Contributors Yield Quite a Return on Their Investment

Everyone listed above received a NO BID contract for a professional service.  

Here is one report of campaign contributions filed by the Lodi council during their last election cycle:

Every July 1st, the Lodi council members celebrate themselves and their campaign contributors celebrate their NO BID contracts.

* After their last election, the Lodi council went from one engineer (Neglia) to two (Neglia and Maser).  Wonder why?

* The Lodi council has repeatedly refused to pass a real Pay-to-Play ordinance at its public meetings.

* The Lodi council members have defended their awarding of NO BID contracts to campaign contributors by saying things like “it’s not illegal what we are doing”.  They also cite a loophole known as “fair and open” as though that makes the situation any better.

The residents of Lodi should pressure their elected officials to reform this broken system by July 1st.