Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Clearly, Marc Schrieks violated the Open Public Meetings Act.

Marc should answer the following  question:

 Discussing which recommendation(s) below would meet the criteria for a “closed session”? 
Here are the Auditor’s Recommendations found in today’s public notice:

LODI GENERAL COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Year Ended December 31, 2012 Recommendations

1. That applicable employee's taxable compensation include automobile fringe benefits in accordance with U.S. Treasury Regulations.

2. That a fixed asset accounting system be maintained in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:30-5.6.

3. That all volunteer fire companies be made to comply with NJSA 40A:14-34.

4. That all outside organizations be made to comply with Borough Resolution #09-117. e inspected by any interested person.

The synopsis of this report was prepared from the report of audit of the Borough of Lodi. County of Bergen, New Jersey for the year ended December 31, 2012. This report of audit, submitted by Di Maria & Di Maria LLP, is on file at the office of the Municipal Clerk and may be inspected by any interested person. Debra Ciliento Municipal Clerk Borough of Lodi December 3, 2013-Fee:$570.78 (604) 3603797   

Marc Schrieks kicked two residents and the Record reporter out of the November 12, 2013 Executive Meeting to discuss the Auditor’s Recommendations.

Clearly, Marc Schrieks violated the Open Public Meetings Act.

Recommendation #1 further shows that this administration has been dishonest on it's “Best Practices” questionnaires and at it's council meetings.

Recommendation #4 shows how irresponsible and unaccountable they have been with Lodi’s tax dollars. 

Here is a post following the November 12th Executive Meeting:

Here is a public notice from today: