Sunday, June 23, 2024

Email Just Submitted to Lodi Board of Education Vice President, Laura Cima: "Failure to Report Campaign Contributions/Expenditures; Failure to Disclose Conflicts of Interest"

 ------ Original Message ------

Sent: Sunday, June 23rd 2024, 08:44 AM
Subject: Failure to Report Campaign Contributions/Expenditures; Failure to Disclose Conflicts of Interest

Hi Ms. Cima,

During your last campaign for Lodi Board of Education, you and your two running mates, Jocelyn Anderson and John Cannizzaro, sent out a very costly town wide mailer ($10,000?).  You had political signs.  You had other costly campaign promotions.  To date, the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) is not showing one reported campaign contribution or expenditure from you or your running mates.  I attached the only form showing for you (D-2 Form showing that that you opened an account at TD Bank, listing John Cannizzaro as your Treasurer and Carlos Aguasvivas as your Chairperson).

You and your two running mates just negotiated a new LEA contract.  You appointed that committee after Nancy Cardone was found guilty of ethics violations.  You approved the contract with an extra "Side Bar Agreement".  

You are currently appointing committees and signing contracts.  

If you are acting and voting with conflicts of interest, the public has the right to know under the law.  

Who paid for your campaign mailer? 

Who are your campaign contributors?

Why didn't you complete any of required ELEC disclosures?

Why do you feel that you are above the law?

You owe all residents of Lodi an explanation and full disclosure.  

Ryan Curioni