Monday, June 24, 2024

Steve Fulop, Democrat Candidate for Governor, Released an "Anti-Corruption Plan" Today. It Included the Following:


Link to plan:

Lodi residents recently saw Nancy Cardone and her controlled, mindless Board puppets move our November BOE Elections to April for the sole purpose of suppressing voter turnout to preserve their corruption.  They got the results many warned about.  Hardly anyone voted in the April Election and tens of thousands of Lodi tax dollars were wasted.  Nancy Cardone maintained her power, her nepotism, and her corruption.

During that Board race, the "New Voices" candidates posted that they had nothing to do with moving the Elections.  Some told voters during the campaign that they would support moving the Elections back to November.

Last month's BOE meeting minutes have not been posted yet, but it has been reported by people at the meeting that Mikaela Alcala, Joseph Lafranca, and Alcenoval Bautista all voted against moving the BOE Elections back to November.  Their dishonesty while campaigning is sad to see but not surprising. They ran on Cardone's corruption team and are contributing to corruption.  They now share Nancy Cardone's record of suppressing voter turnout and wasting Lodi tax dollars.