Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Gary Paparozzi Bills Lodi Hourly as a "Contractor" While Simultaneously Being Paid a Salary as a Borough Employee...


I believe this corrupt arrangement for a crooked former Lodi mayor may have confused certain members of the Lodi council. Gary Paparozzi bills hourly for matters before the Zoning and Planning Boards. The more "work" he supposedly does, the more he bills. And then he gets an additional salary for his made up, no-show, patronage, Borough position created for him by the Lodi mayor and council.

To avoid confusion, maybe the Lodi council should not be paying Gary Paparozzi as a salaried Borough employee while simultaneously paying him on the monthly bills as a "contractor". Both supposed job descriptions are for zoning matters.  Either the applicants, the Lodi taxpayers, or both are being ripped off when Gary Paparozzi gets paid twice for zoning matters.

Reminder- Gary Paparozzi is not an engineer and "Paparozzi Associates" was not licensed by New Jersey at the time Lodi initially awarded Paparozzi his no bid, noncompetitive contract which resulted from a pay-to-play abuse.