Donald Scorzetti, Lodi Politics Chief
Scorzetti places all 3 daughters on borough payroll whenever is convenient for them (misconception that the Lodi government and police department is their personal family business).
For anyone reading the monthly borough payrolls, you likely have noticed that Donald Scorzetti has had all three daughters on borough payroll.
Donald Scorzetti just sticks his children on payroll
whenever is convenient for them as though the borough hall is their personal
family business and not a public government entity. He sticks them on payroll when there is no summer camp. He sticks them on payroll when the borough hall is not open to the public. He just sticks on on payroll whenever he likes.
Donald Scorzetti is giving his children opportunities that are not open to others. He is taking away opportunities from youth that actually live in Lodi. He is taking away opportunities from youth that don’t have the luxury of having a political father earning over $300,000 a year in salary and perks.
Lodi is a low income community. Donald Scorzetti receives over $300,000 a year from the Lodi taxpayers in salary and perks. Donald Scorzetti has no shame.