Monday, October 14, 2019

Nancy Cardone Made Wilson Elementary School Look Like the Bergen County Prison…

Photo of the Bergen County Jail:

Photo of Wilson Elementary School:

As you visit relatives in other towns, you may notice that their elementary schools have ball fields, modern playgrounds, basketball courts etc.

As a board member, Nancy Cardone has only taken away from children’s play areas.

In 2014 and 2015, Nancy Cardone supported spending $8,000,000 on an administration building at the same time she was making a Lodi elementary school look like a prison.  Nancy Cardone spent over $110,000 Lodi tax dollars on a stretch of prison fencing to make the school look like a prison.  Wouldn’t that money be better spent on constructing a play area for children?

At the start of the 2015 school year, many Wilson School parents attended a board meeting to express their safety concerns and to complain about the prison appearance.  The Community News printed an article titled, “Some parents think fence at school makes it look like a prison.”  Not one parent or Lodi resident spoke in favor of the prison fences.


Students today spend too much time staring at screens.  Fresh air and outdoor activities are important. 


Lodi deserves board members interested in improving the learning environments for students.  Lodi doesn’t need board members that make elementary schools look like prisons.