Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Text I Received After Nancy Cardone and Her Family (All on the Lodi Payroll) Launched Vicious Attacks and Threats at Me During Our Last BOE Meeting…

A supporter texted me the quote above.

I am glad that so many people saw Nancy Cardone and her family in action at this week’s BOE meeting. People saw NEPOTISM in action.  It wasn’t a pretty sight.  Cardone & Family were full of hate and rage.  Someone emailed me that it sounded like Nancy Cardone needed an exorcism, not a board seat.

At the July 1st meeting, Mike Cardone equated his mother’s nepotism in our public schools to that of a family running a private family business.  The Lodi Board of Education is NOT a private family business.  There are big differences. Most people know that.

Why are the Cardones so full of hate and rage?  Because their nepotism abuses have been exposed.