Link to OPRA response showing sick day payouts:
Defalco was only employed by the Lodi BOE for 12 years.
Debra Kwapniewski’s interrogatories:
hiring and payout clearly illustrate Capizzi’s political patronage
system. Defalco was hired by the BOE immediately after an
election in which he was the campaign manager for a Capizzi Board ticket. Defalco was a member of the Lodi BOE not long before
he was hired by the BOE.
Defalco must have had a really special contract. He received the largest sick day payout in
2011. He had the least amount of years
in the system.
Capizzi was responsible for issuing the sick day
This is what was going on when nobody was
looking. And this is why Lodi has such high property taxes.