Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Nothing Could Prepare them for Joe Licata’s “Consulting Fees”…

The Lodi politicians met, prepped, and staged tonight’s meeting regarding Joe Licata’s “consulting fees”.  They even changed the whole format of the “hearing of the citizens” by:

1) They had me read my questions and would not address any of them while I was still standing.  This allowed them to have a one sided discussion.

2)  Then they shut off the “hearing of citizens” when Mike Nardino went to speak so nobody could question him directly or respond to any of his statements.

With that said, neither Deputy Mayor Licata nor anyone else could answer the following questions regarding Joe Licata’s consulting fees.

Mike Nardino stated:  "I wasn't prepared for this scrutiny tonight.  If Mr. Curioni wants answers, he will have to come to my office."

Mr. Nardino gave a brief history of the Drug Alliance.  He said the paper work became too much a few years ago so he was ready to hang it up.  Someone suggested that he pay someone to do the paperwork.  That person now is Joe Licata. 

The following questions were asked word for word.  The only answers to those questions given tonight are listed in red.  The rest were unanswered.

After the meeting, Tony Luna and a Councilman rushed to the “Chit Chat Diner” to meet Joe Capizzi.  They should just have Capizzi attend their meetings because everyone knows that he still micromanages every aspect of their political careers.

Marc Schrieks skipped another council meeting tonight.  He is probably still too busy with his partisan political activism at the County level.

Many of my questions tonight were based on the “Municipal Alliance Capacity” from the Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse for Fiscal Grant Cycle July 2014-June 2019.

Document can be found here:
