Monday, January 13, 2014

Say NO to Paparozzi's overdevelopment! Say NO to Schrieks' special favors for the rich!

Paparozzi has been unable to make his case why a developer should be able to knock down a one family residential home and replace it with a 9 unit multi-family dwelling when so many variances are required.

Paparozzi made a lot of money on projects like these while he was mayor without disclosing his personal interests.  He even lied about his personal interest in his Union Street project when he was asked about it at a council meeting.  The people that hired him and used to sit on the council with him said this.

Now Paparozzi is being paid to represent Lodi's interests as its "Planner". But he appears to only be representing the interests of the developer.

Marcel Wurms is the attorney for the Zoning Board.  He cannot be trusted. 

Marc Schrieks' father is a Zoning Board member.  He only does what Marc tells him to do.  And we have all seen that Marc does special favors for those with a lot of money so they can help him buy his elections.

It has been alleged that the outcome for an applicant before the Zoning Board depends on who the applicant is or how much money they have.  This is no way to run a town. 

If this administration wants to tell residents that they cannot build a new two family on a 50 X 100 and then allow so many variances for Harrison Ave, they should all be investigated.