Friday, May 26, 2023

At Some Point, Someone Must Be Held Accountable for the Pornography and Union Propoganda that Was Distributed on District Emails for Students.

The LEA's  inappropriate political activism in our schools and during work time led to something really horrible.  At some point, someone must be held accountable for what took place. Nancy Cardone, John Cannizzaro, and others spend all their time at public meeting shamelessly pandering to Fran Santos and the other washed up LEA troublemakers. It's very unethical that they use their Board seats to publicly advocate for giving everything away to the same group that funded their political campaigns. It should come as no surprise that they would work to protect and cover-up for LEA activists. They are not serving students or protecting students. 

Lodi deserves a report on everything that was distributed on student emails, who was involved, and if any actions were taken in response. How could this have happened? Why was it concealed from the public? Matthew Giacobbe shouldn't get rich by just covering everything up.