Sunday, August 16, 2020

After years of not showing up to work on a regular basis or having a set work schedule, Anthony Luna Jr. is handed 2.8% annual pay increases, a NEW $5,011.50 STIPEND in addition to his salary and more personal days…


Link to an OPRA request seeking: “A copy of the labor agreement for Anthony Luna (Supervisor of Building and Grounds, August 4, 2020 agenda):


These increases are retroactive meaning TJ Luna is being paid additionally for years that he was rarely in the buildings or on the grounds. TJ Luna was “working from home” years before other public employees began taking advantage of the covid situation.


Overtime in recent years show that other employees took on more when TJ Luna and his Senior Maintenance person ML were not working.  TJ Luna frequently mentioned that other maintenance employees were doing a lot more during their absences.  I cannot understand how TJ Luna would receive a new $5,011.50 stipend in addition to his regular salary when all evidence and his very own statements show he was working less, not more.


TJ Luna’s previous contract expired in June 2018.  Why is TJ getting a new contract years later?  TJ Luna delayed, delayed, delayed and then cancelled all scheduled contract meetings until he got the board that he wanted.  He purposely waited until the Luna Family had Marc Schrieks as BOE president and a board that his family controlled.  When you have BOE members that are current borough employees working under Lodi Mayor Scott Luna like Sharon Salvacion and Donald Scorzetti, or someone like Nancy Cardone whose entire family is on the Lodi payroll because of their work on Luna political campaigns, you will never see fair and honest labor agreements.  Instead you get a corrupt process based on quid pro quos, conflicts of interest, and mindless puppetry.


TJ Luna has an individual employee contract.  He is not part of any bargaining unit.  In the real world, job performance and showing up would be considered for an individual’s new contract.  Not in Lodi.  The only thing that matters is one’s last name and one’s political activity.


Behind the scenes, TJ Luna had been pushing to privatize custodian positions. Last year, he was caught on tape after a BOE meeting doing the same.  At the same time, he is coming up with new $5,011.50 stipends for himself- money for work performed by other employees under him.


The only name appearing on the attached MOA is Natalie Delgado.  The public has the right to know who else was involved with this negotiation and who voted to approve.  Natalie Delgado has only been on the board a few months so she would not be familiar with who was doing what work from June 2018 on or all the other controversies under TJ Luna during that time period.