Saturday, March 21, 2020

Rip Off: Lodi BOE Pays “Giacobbe” firm another $16,984.45 at its March Meeting…

 Lodi BOE's board attorney, but not really

Sadly, everything I warned Lodi about in September about the Giacobbe firm has turned out to be true.  They will bill Lodi taxpayers more this year than Sciarrillo and Nunno had done a few years back.  When Scariallo and Nunno went over budget with excessive billing, it became a big news story.  “Giacobbe” is worse.   Yet with this board, there is silence.  All board members show up, vote “Yes” on Giacobbe’s bills and pretend they are oblivious to the rip off. 

Looking back, I am proud to have voted “No” on every bill submitted by the “Giacobbe” firm that came before me.  They were deceptive from day one.  They were a rip off from day one.  Board members should treat other people’s tax dollars as if it is their own.

When I called out the Giacobbe firm’s deception and outrageous billing, its attorneys behaved like a bunch of crybabies.  First, Matt Giacobbe carried on at a board meeting because he was overly sensitive to the much deserved criticism.  Next, Matt Giacobbe tried to get the board to hire his former law partner (from their Joe Ferriero days at Scarinci) to “investigate” my blog.  When that failed, the Giacobbe attorneys began calling Kathryn Whalen at the School Ethics Commission to lobby her to go against my blog.  Apparently, the lobbying worked as the public can see the complete 180 flip-flop.

My blog isn’t the problem.  My posts are accurate and are protected speech.  Giacobbe’s excessive billing for an inferior service is the problem.  A board throwing away Lodi tax dollars on a politician run law firm is the problem.

Can any board member cite a running total of Giacobbe’s legal bills year to date?