Sunday, January 8, 2023

Vin Martin needs strip clubs to pay for college tuition. How do other Lodi residents do it? (Post Date: April 22, 2019)

This is the quote Vin Martin gave to the newspaper after he was listed as a new owner with the notorious “strip joints”:

“At the end of the day, I’ll have two kids in college next year, and I have to make a living,” he said. “It’s a business and I feel I’m entitled to own a business if I want to.

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Why would “strip joints” be necessary for Councilman Vinny Martin to pay for college tuition?  The councilman's public positions put him at a great financial advantage over most Lodi residents.

1)  The last time Vin Martin ran for council, the borough was still paying him a retirement payout of $ 101,187.80

2)  Vin Martin currently receives a public pension of $89,560/yr.

3)  While collecting a public pension, Vin Martin appears to bounce around from hospital to hospital doing some type of security work.

4)  Vin Martin’s wife is employed by the Lodi BOE.

5)  Vin Martin’s children have appeared on the Lodi payroll.

6)  Vin Martin receives a stipend for being on the council.

7)  The Lodi taxpayers pay for Vin Martin's health benefits as well as the benefits for his family.

Vin Martin couldn’t pay college tuition with all the income sources listed above?  Affiliation with “strip joints” is the only way someone can pay for college?