Friday, August 10, 2018

Lodi has been overtaxed for years. Additional aid should be used for tax relief.

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Unlike many other districts, Lodi’s additional state aid has soared over the last decade.  Instead of providing tax relief, Capizzi, Quatrone, and their Board puppets continued to raise taxes while over-inflating their budgets. 

In recent years, they overtaxed Lodi so much so that they accumulated $8M in an account for an unnecessary administration building.  How many other districts were socking away $8M for unnecessary administration buildings? Why didn’t the Lodi BOE consider using that money for the new field at the High School instead of having the mayor and council borrow the money for them?

Capizzi and Quatrone are not transparent with their budgets.  The Board members don’t discuss the budgets at all during the year. 

The Board voted to raises taxes 2.08% just a few months ago.   The same night they voted to raise taxes, they voted to give Quatrone a 20% pay raise and $200,000 for unused sick/vacation days.  

Lodi is overtaxed.  The administration is not responsible or transparent.  Every district wasn’t in the same boat.