Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Proposed Budget Shows a 2.08% School Tax Increase…

Click below to view the proposed 2018-2019 School Budget:

This year, Lodi is receiving an additional $2,106,070 in State Aid.  Other districts are envious of all the State Aid we are receiving.

This year, Lodi is no longer budgeting for the $7.5M administration building (the project is supposedly abandoned). 

Lodi should be in comfortable financial shape.  On paper, this should be the year for a tax reduction. 

This year’s budget no longer includes the $7.5M administration building.  Why would this year’s budget be higher than last year’s?

This year’s budget grew by $612,891.  Why would the tax levy increase by $813,138? 

When the Board budgeted for a new administration building (2017-18), it had no problem withdrawing $8,649,142 from “Capital Reserves”.  But this year it is only withdrawing $4,187,099 from Capital Reserves for Capital Outlay (school Construction Projects).   Those projects have a projected cost of $5,114,955.

Conclusion:  No matter how much additional State Aid Lodi receives or how much Lodi has stashed away, the Lodi politicians are eager to raise your taxes, at least 2%.

This blog has been up since 2013.  Look at old posts about Lodi’s past school budgets.  Budgets were extremely padded and there were unnecessary tax increases.  Lodi had been overtaxed by millions.  That money was going to be spent on an unnecessary administration building.  Look at old newspaper articles and letters to the editor where young, inexperienced, ill informed, conflicted Board Presidents (on behalf of those pulling their strings) blatantly lie about the reasons for tax increases.

Some Board members will say they are raising taxes for the “children”.  They mention “children” twice a year- at election time and when they are raising taxes.

Please read the budget and locate the salaries of Board Members' relatives.  How many six figure salaries have you located?  Board members have a personal interest in raising school taxes, even when those increases aren’t necessary.  Furthermore, most members are disengaged and won’t even read the budget before they vote to approve.

You would think the mayor and council would encourage the Board of Education to start acting responsibly.  You would think that they would want the Board to avoid tax increases during years in which they are not necessary.  Unfortunately, the mayor and council cannot advocate on behalf of the Lodi taxpayers.  Why?  Almost the entire Lodi council is either employed by the Lodi BOE or have immediate relatives employed by the Lodi BOE. 

Please read the proposed budget carefully.  Take into account the additional $2.1M in State Aid and the $7.1M that is no longer budgeted for the unnecessary administration building.  You don’t have to be accountant to see that there is something wrong with this Budget and something wrong with this Board.

Make your voices heard.  Stand up for yourselves.  Tell your Board Members to start serving the community instead of serving themselves. 

This post first went up on March 25, 2018.