Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A work session is a public meeting. Someone should tell the mayor and council.

It’s unacceptable that the mayor and council continue to hold their work sessions in a small conference room that has no space to accommodate the public.  It’s disrespectful for elected officials to have their backs to the public during meetings. These issues were raised numerous times in 2013 and 2014.

It’s a long time practice of the mayor and council to go right into “closed session” at the beginning of their work sessions to encourage people to go home and deter them from attending in the future.

Lodi should be very grateful to Al Mastrofilipo for videotaping these public meetings.  He is bringing transparency to Lodi.  He is doing what our elected officials should have done years ago.

The discussions of the mayor and council clearly took place somewhere else, not in "open". 

Part 1:

Part 2: