Sunday, September 4, 2016

Lodi should be very concerned with Jamie Ciofalo, “Uncle Joe”, “Uncle Dom” and all their conflicts.

Since Joe Licata hired his close personal friend Jamie Ciofalo as Supervisor of Guidance, Lodi has seen its academic ranking plummet along with all other measurable indicators.

Now Jamie Ciofalo is one of four Supervisors of Curriculum & Instruction (bloated bureaucracy).  Years ago, Lodi had one.  Then two.  Now four.

With Ciofalo, all the additional paperwork, all the additional reports, and all the additional data have not produced any positive results.  Those things only took school employees away from more important things.

The self-proclaimed experts in useless theories are not producing because they lack common sense (besides intelligence).  Common sense works.  Simple solutions work.

Jamie Ciofalo has never been held accountable for his failed theories and his large amounts of wasted time on data driven nothing.

In fact, Jamie Ciofalo continues to be rewarded by Quatrone, Capizzi, “Uncle Joe” and “Uncle Dom”.

Lodi should be very concerned of the close relationship between Jamie Ciofalo and Board Trustees Licata and Miller.

Over the weekend, “J.C. Edwards” put something on Facebook that appears to be his next fictional work.

Here is an excerpt of Jamie Ciofalo pretending to have a conversation with his 7 year old daughter who just happened to stumble upon my website on her own (Ciofalo plays the victim well to divert attention away from the real bullying issues taking place):

Haley: (points to top of blog) Why does he want people to vote for him?

Me: Because he is running for the board of education.

Haley: What is that?

Me: It's what your Uncle Joe and Uncle Dom do. They have meetings and do things to help the schools and children.