Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A NO BID contract for a campaign contributor vs. “conducting a competitive procurement”…

Sorry, but they just aren’t the same.

Has the appropriate administrative official reviewed the State Comptroller's June 25, 2013 Report with respect to local government legal fees, and does your municipality follow the best practices outlined in the checklist annexed as an Appendix to the report?

Luna and Cuccia answered “Yes” to the above question two years in a row.

When I questioned their response last year, Alan Spiniello said that Lodi does not follow the checklist.

In December, I asked the following question:

“Lodi’s legal fees are skyrocketing.  You don’t follow the Appendix of the Best Practices Checklist for Engaging and Managing Legal Counsel.  You answered YES last year.  Mr. Spiniello acknowledged at a council meeting afterwards that you don’t follow it.  This year, you answered YES again.  Instead of lying about following it, why don’t you just follow it?

I received no answer.

I asked the question again tonight.

Alan Spiniello said that Lodi follows the checklist and that he never said that Lodi didn’t follow it last year.

I told him that I would put the checklist online tonight.  Lodi does not follow it.  The checklist can be found in this old post.