Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Is Marc Schrieks' Choice of Gerry Woods Just Another Knee-Jerk Reaction?

Gerry Woods has a very controversial past to put it nicely.  If Marc Schrieks wants to appoint him to a public authority, he should give a full disclosure on  Mr. Woods’ past indictment.  

A grand jury obviously found there was enough evidence to indict and this is what the indictment alleged:

"Another carpenter union official, GERALD WOODS, the Executive SecretaryTreasurer/Business Manager for the Northern New Jersey Regional Council of the Carpenters and Joiners of America has also been indicted. Woods received bribes from participating contractors for allowing contract violations and for improperly signing International Agreements, which permitted New Jersey contractors to work on job sites in the City without having to sign contracts with Local 608,"

So what ever came of it?   Did he make a deal?  Were the charges dismissed?  The public has the right to know.  

Anyone being appointed to a public authority that spends millions of tax dollars should go through some vetting process.  

Lodi deserves better.