Monday, July 29, 2024

Lagana's "Giacobbe" Firm Had $22,172.50 on the Borough Bills for June...


How can the Lodi mayor and council justify these increased legal bills at a time when they are increasing taxes far beyond 2% and bonding at extreme levels?

The Lodi mayor and council pay Borough Attorney Alan Spiniello at least $236,774.76 for very limited part-time work.

Lodi By The Numbers: How Does the Lodi Mayor and Council Get Away with Paying Alan Spiniello an Annual Set Salary of $236,774.76 When… (

The Lodi mayor and council are awarding more and more contracts each July 1st for Special Labor Counsels as result of their corrupt pay-to-play system.

When I was on the Lodi Board of Education, I had access to Giacobbe’s unredacted legal bills.  The firm engages in dishonest practices, dishonest billing, and overcharges for insignificant matters.  The firm makes illegal redactions for members of the public for the sole purpose of concealing its dishonest practices. 

When you see members of the Lodi mayor and council, ask them if it is appropriate that they allow all these lawyers to drive up legal bills at a time that they are raising taxes and adding millions in debt.  Ask them what Alan Spiniello specifically does for the hundreds of thousands that he is handed each year and why he doesn’t have to submit invoices.  Ask them if they have ever reviewed the invoices submitted by “Giacobbe” and why they allow “Giacobbe” to illegally redact its own invoices.  Ask them if they would allow this firm to rip off the Lodi taxpayers if Joseph Lagana was not funding their political campaigns.

Strong Statement from Archbishop Carlo Vigano Regarding the Satanists Running the Olympics....

Link to statement:

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Phil Murphy Continues to Protect Public Officials that are Breaking the Law and Stealing Public Funds. Still No Penalty or any Consequence for Union County Officials that Took Hundreds of Thousands in Illegal Payments.


It’s really pathetic that the Comptroller has to beg and plead for there be some minor consequence for public officials stealing public funds.

Why are New Jersey taxpayers funding a comptroller’s office that exposes serious fraud just to have the perpetrators laugh in its face?

Why are the New Jersey taxpayers funding an Attorney General that doesn’t investigate public officials that violate the law?

Voters should wake up and hold every member of the legislature accountable that has introduced and voted for new laws that have contributed to more corruption (weakening OPRA, ELEC, etc.)

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Lodi Mayor and Council's Estimated Tax Bill Shows a 4.53% Increase in Municipal Tax Levy. The Lodi BOE's Tax Levy Increase Would Have Been a Lot Higher Than That if Phil Murphy Didn't Take Millions in State Aid Away from Republican Towns and Transfer Those Millions to Lodi.


June 2024 Payroll for Lodi Borough Hall...


Link to June 15th Payroll:


Link to June 30th Payroll:

Reorganization Resolutions of the Lodi Mayor and Council (July 1, 2024)

Please download these attachments from the links below:

June 2024 Bills and Resolutions of the Lodi Mayor and Council...

Link to June Bills:

Link to June Resolutions: 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

This is a Video of the NEA President Delivering the Key Note Address in Philadelphia. She Has to "Win All the Things". A Portion of NJEA Dues Go to the NEA and It's President.

Link to video:

Someone Asked: What is Joe Licata's Salary at the Boys and Girls Club? On-line Documents Show $139,206 for 2022. A Substantial Increase from the Prior Year.



From 2021 to 2022, Joseph Licata's reported "compensation" (salary) increased from $116,699 to $139,206.  That is an increase of $22,507 which is 19.3%.  These forms are not listing the total annual compensation to include benefits, retirement contributions, perks, etc. for Licata.   

These are the reported salaries showing on-line for prior years:

2020: $115,800

2019: $112,500

2018: $105,000

2017: 100,000

2016: 92,000

Link to site containing Forms 990 and Audits:

Good Video: 'Mass Pschosis'

Link to video: