Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Was Sharon Salvacion Offered a Financial Benefit to Herself or a Family Member to Resign from the Lodi Board of Education Just Months Shy of Her Term's End?

The timing of Sharon Salvacion’s resignation is very suspect.  She and Nancy Cardone have conflicts of interest that bar their vote participation in many matters.  Sharon’s resignation allowed Nancy Cardone to appoint another controlled puppet that can vote on matters the same way Sharon would if she could.

Sharon is still employed by the Borough of Lodi.  She never gave the residents of Lodi a reason why she resigned just months shy of her term’s completion from Lodi Board of Education.

Sharon Salvacion abused her position on the Board of Education in the worst way when she voted to take away our right to vote in November Elections.  She voted to spend tens of thousands of Lodi tax dollars to ensure less people vote for BOE.  She extended her term for four more months.  Then she resigned.

More and more people are claiming that Sharon resigned in return for a very near financial benefit for a family member.

Sharon should address this claim immediately because the residents of Lodi will learn for themselves soon enough whether or not this is true. 

If Sharon was offered something, who did the offering?  How many people were involved?   Did it come from Nancy Cardone?  Was it influenced by anyone from the Mayor and Council?

Post date: December 4, 2023