Wednesday, October 12, 2022

So Glad to See Captain Grillo Fighting Back Against the Abuse and Retaliation Directed At Her By Donald Scorzetti and His Administration. Article Today on

Link to article from today on

Anyone that viewed the hearings saw that Captain Grillo was not treated fairly.  Molinelli wouldn't even allow Captain Grillo's attorney to speak without being interrupted. John Molinelli was hand selected by the mayor and council and paid with Lodi tax dollars before his contract was ever voted on. He was chosen for only one reason- to be biased and unfair. They play dirty.

Donald Scorzetti and Dominic Miller are the least credible witnesses (as history as already shown).

What took place cannot be allowed to stand. If there is any justice, Captain Grillo will prevail in her lawsuit.

Captain Grillo is respected by the residents of Lodi because she has served in her position honorably.  Donald Scorzetti has not.